School Counselor: Jodi Staggs
[email protected]
330.669.3165 ext. 3209
Instagram: smithieguidance
Guidance Administrative Assistant: Cindy Richard
[email protected]
330.669.3165 ext. 3013
[email protected]
330.669.3165 ext. 3209
Instagram: smithieguidance
Guidance Administrative Assistant: Cindy Richard
[email protected]
330.669.3165 ext. 3013
January Guidance Events:
Scheduling - Ms. Staggs will start going into classes this month to discuss scheduling for next school year.
1/20/25 - No School.
1/30/25 - Priority enrollment date deadline for applications to the Wayne County Schools Career Center: www.wayne-jvs.k12.oh.us
1/20/25 - No School.
1/30/25 - Priority enrollment date deadline for applications to the Wayne County Schools Career Center: www.wayne-jvs.k12.oh.us